Moora Neya, or The Message of the Spear

Moora Neya, or the Message of the Spear is a 1911 Australian silent film which was the first Australian movie to emphasise aboriginal people. It was described by a contemporary newspaper report as on the same lines as the Indian cowboy pictures with which the public are familiar, except that it is a colonial production, and blackfellows are substituted for Indians.

On a station west of the Darling River, Harry Earl is in love with the station owners daughter. The evil manager makes advances on her but Earl beats him up. The overseer urges some local Aborigines to kill Earl but one of them, Budgerie, alerts the station men by writing a message on a spear.The stockmen ride to the rescue and save Earl just as the Aborigines are about to perform a Death Dance around him. The overseer is killed and Earl is reunited with his love. ........

Source: Wikipedia